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20 May 2018

May 22nd and May 23rd Uniform Fittings for All Teams

This week on May 22nd and May 23rd, we will be sizings and ordering for Hawks Uniforms.

The uniforms are the same as last year, so if you are a returning player then you keep your uniforms and number. 

The bags will be CCM this year. There will also be a custom CCM glove available for purchase.

All sizings will take place in the Rebels Room near the Old rink at Dix Hills.


All orders must be paid in full at time of order. All orders must be paid by CHECK or CASH only.


All checks are to be made out to Dix Hills Hawks.

Players should bring shoulder pads/chest protectors, shin guards, and hockey pants for proper fitting.


The schedule is as follows:


Tuesday May 22nd

6:00pm - Squirt

7:00pm - Peewee

8:00pm - Bantams


Wednesday May 23rd

6:00pm - Bantams/Midget

7:00pm - Midget

8:00pm - All


If needed you can come to any time listed. It is spread to try and alleviate any crowding and waiting. 


Any questions please let me know. 


Required Uniforms consist of Home and Away Jerseys, Shell, Home and Away Socks, Warm Up Jacket, and Helmet Decals. 


Below is a listing of available items to order:

Home Jerseys - $105

Away Jerseys - $105

Home Socks - $16

Away Socks $16

Shell - $50

CCM Gloves - $105 Jr, $125 Sr.

CCM Bag - $85 SR, $95 Goalie

CCM Travel Bag - $59

Skate soakers - $30

Accessory Bag - $30

Warm Up Jacket - $70

Warm Up Pants - $55

Car Magnet - $10

Helmet Decals - $10


Thank you,

Frank Dell'Isola

Head Coach LI Rebels Midget U18 AAA/AA 

Equipment/Merchandise & Uniform Coordinator

LI Rebels

Lady Islanders

Dix Hills Hawks

14 May 2018

Hawks Team Meetings and Document Collection

There will be three team meetings for the Hawks Squirt, Peewee, Bantam (Gold and Black) and 16U this Thursday  May 17th at 6:00PM. 7:00PM and 8:00PM.    You may select any one of the three meeting times to attend.   There will be a brief discussion reference the upcoming season and we will collect team documents and deposits.  Meetings will be in the Dix Hills Rink party room.

If you have not signed into your specific team database please do it asap as you will not receive organziation and team updates.

3 March 2018


The Peewee Hawks team came from behind twice to finally win the LIAHL 12U Tier III Championship.

After scoring two goals to tie the game and take it into overtime the Hawks scored the winner in overtime.
Congratulations to Head Coach Peter Dykeman and the team with finishing a great year with a Championship overtime win.

6 December 2016

Buddy Skate Was Great

Nothing we do can stop Buddy Skate from being Great.   After several date changes and then having to schedule it on a Thursday night Buddy Skate was once again great.

There are so many parents, players and volunteers involved we never get to say thank you to everyone.   Thank-you for making it a special day for so many.

12 March 2016

Bantam Hawks Win LIAHL Championship

The Hawks Bantam Team defeated the LI Gulls 5-2 to win the LIAHL Championships

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